Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I wish I was asleep...

It's 2am and I only have 6 hours until my exam starts - I should be either studying, or safely tucked into bed, but I am doing neither. Why, you may ask? Because I am the queen of procrastination. Thus this useless 2am blog.

I had my first exam today (well, technically yesterday now). The only exam I had really put any effort into up until 6 hours ago. The class was 汉字知识 (Character Knowledge) - and I think the exam went smashingly. As usual, it appears I overstudied for the exam, and I probably could have passed even without opening the text book. So I'm confident I will score at least an 80/85 for that exam, something in the 90s would be fab.

Post exam - I slept. I only slept three hours on Sunday night, and I must have looked terrible at the exam, because everybody commented on how well rested I didn't look. So Monday arvo I slept for 7 hours. This worked out well because a) I love an afternoon siesta, and b) I should be able to stay awake right through until after my Tuesday exam.

So I guess I had better get back to my study... I have three more lessons to summarise, and then I need to memorise lots and lots of example sentences, all the while refraining from such temptations as eBay and Facebook. I think it's time for another 红牛 (Red Bull).

11 days til I leave Beijing!!!!

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