Sunday, January 13, 2008

Eskimo Rach

Just a few quick notes:

Last night we went out for dinner to a restaurant called Nine Bird Heads (that's the translation anyway) for roast duck and other tasty treats. It was just a little celebration for Chris' birthday which is coming up next month (but everyone will be away overseas at that time) and a farewell dinner for me.

Today I picked up my HSK marks (the Chinese proficiency exam I sat back in December) - I got Level 3, the level our teacher expected us to pass. I think about 50% of our class scored a Level 2, and 50% a Level 3. Quite happy. For proof, here is my certificate:

And I'm off to Ha'erbin tonight! I am all ready - I have bought a new scarf and beanie, so teamed with my down-filled coat and fleece lined snow boots, I am hoping I will be warm enough. Here is what I'm going to look like!

Yes, I will look like an eskimo. But so will everyone. At the moment in Beijing it is -10, and not that painful, so fingers crossed -25 isn't too bad. Ha... wishful thinking! Also mind the mess in my room - I'm half packed.

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