Monday, November 19, 2007


On the weekend just passed, Candy, Mega, Yumin and I headed to a dnb party (drum'n bass - it's a style of music) and I've got some pictures to share! The party wasn't overly fabulous, but the music was great, the drinks relatively cheap and the bourbon a-plenty.

Another exciting thing to point out - this was our first time catching the brand new subway line - Line 5. If any of you have been to Beijing in recent years, you may know that there were 3 subway lines - 1, 2, and 13. Yes, Chinese people cannot count. Or they're just quite ahead of themselves. Well, finally we have our Line 5, and it is gorgeous! The inside of the station looks like a museum, it is clean and colourful and very modern. It's so nice, we didn't want to leave.

You may notice that Candy is absent from all the pictures - she is highly allergic to cameras.

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