Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Just a quick message - it's cold. Really cold. It was meant to snow today, but it hasn't so far and I'm disappointed. It snowed a tad two days ago, but nothing spectacular. Most nights are below zero now, and during the day it struggles to get above 10. I have also learnt that it is near impossible to blow your nose when both your hands and your nose are numb - I may have broken my nose in the process, I'm not too sure.

That's about all the news I have really. My daily routine is so boring and monotonous now - wake up, class, lunch, return home, do homework, eat dinner, watch tv/movie, sleep. Except for weekends when all I do is sleep, eat and watch tv.

UPDATE - 65 days til I leave, 67 days til I'm eating a Banno Pub parma.

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