Monday, November 12, 2007

我通过了 (I passed!)

Yes, it shocks me as much as it shocks you! Considering the *cough* mammoth *cough* effort I put in in the lead-up to my exams, I was very surprised to find out this morning that I had passed every single class! Well, the only shock was my reading exam mark. Everybody found the exam harder than performing DIY surgery, and I was one of the lucky ones who just scraped through with a pass. Anyway, my results are as follows:

Normal class - 82
Oral - 83
Listening - 78
Reading - 67

For comparison, a 60 (out of 100) is the minimum mark to pass the course. And for further comparison, anything higher than 80 in Australia is a High Distinction. So I'd like to think that I received two HDs, one D (distinction) and a C (credit).

Needless to say, I think I'll be putting in a tad more effort for the final exams... I might even get the double figures in terms of hours spent studying!

And for those of you who miss me, I'll be back in Australia in exactly 70 days. Better start counting down!

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