Saturday, November 3, 2007

76 days to go

Have I officially caught up on my blogging? I think/hope so! I guess I had better actually write something instead of just posting pictures, and let you know what I'm up to at the moment.

I'm just about half way through this semester - we have mid-semester exams next week which I should be studying for right now (but there's always tomorrow). I think I am finally beginning to like my teacher, or perhaps just hate him less, I'm not sure.

I have some more news to report.
- I successfully completed a Star Wars marathon (13 hours of telly was really a struggle, but I pulled through)... Next weekend we're doing either the Indiana Jones marathon, or the Bourne marathon, which at a measly three movies each will be a walk in the park compared to the six Star Wars episodes.
- (Something my parents may not be so proud of) I drank a whole bottle of bourbon in one sitting. My new classmate Olly (British) threw a hat party a few weekends ago, but I don't really remember much. Good times.
- I have been sick in the past week, so I've been cracking open the snake bile cough medicine. Yes, I even googled it - it is made from the bile of a poisonous cobra, and two random Chinese plants. It tastes and has the consistency of honey, and does the trick, so I'll be bringing a jar home. If you're game, you're more than welcome to try!
- My room has heating! This may not be big news, but for a while I was quite worried I would freeze to death in my room during the upcoming winter like my poor guinea pig. But in the last few days, they have definitely turned the heating on. Apparently the heating system is under the floor, because the tiles are very toasty to walk on. I only realised when I sat down on the floor to clean out the fridge.
- Which brings me to my next point. The weather is lovely! Maximum temperatures of around 10 - 15 at the moment, with the overnight temp occasionally dropping below 0. Also, the sky of late has been blue more often than not. Pity it wont stay like this for long. I wouldn't mind snow for Christmas though.
- Which brings me to my NEXT point (and I want sympathy here) - I have scheduled class all through the holiday period. Oh yes, that involves all the good days - Xmas Eve, Xmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Eve AND New Years Day. Almost everyone I know is already planning on skipping those days, but I cannot afford to miss too many more days thanks to already missing a few classes due to being ill, so I'll probably be the one student in class on those days.

I guess that's it. It's really getting down to the final weeks of my stay, and I've started a countdown on Facebook (a website like Myspace for those out of the loop). As of today, I have only 76 days left in Beijing! I can almost taste the Banno Pub parma!

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