Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fumu lai Zhongguo Pt 1 (Parents come to China)

Ok, this is where it gets interesting - at least with my Tibet blog, I had my journal to go by. This time I am not so lucky, so this may be sparse (but I'll make up for it with pictures). And if you're back home in Australia, just ask my parents - I'm sure they remember more details than I do.

Oh, I guess I should explain for people other than my immediate family that my parents came to China to visit me for 2 weeks at the end of the school holidays. We just did the touristy thing around Beijing, then headed down to Guilin for a few days too. I have no idea in what order we did, or where we went every day, so lets just look at some pictures, shall we?

Somewhere in the Minority Park

The Tibet area of the Minority Park

Dazhongsi (I think!) Great Bell Temple - The largest bell in China. This is a photo of the decorative dragon on a smaller bell.

The next few are taken at Summer Palace

These few are taken at the ruins of the Old Summer Palace

Obviously dad found this odd/funny/interesting. It's funnier when they stack or crash.

See, I told you it would be primarily pictures. I think I used the word 'primarily' loosely. Will blog soon with Guilin pictures!

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