Friday, December 28, 2007

Our Boxing Day Bash

Merry Christmas everyone. I'm saying that rather half-heartedly, because it doesn't feel anything like Christmas. For starters, it's about 30 degrees too cold, and I'm at uni all week. But we did manage to squeeze in a little get-together on Boxing Day night at Fabien and Christelle's apartment.

For dinner, we had handmade dumplings (most of which fell apart when cooked), pasta, Beijing duck, cheese and bread, and chocolate fondue. Unfortunately, I was feeling really ill (my eyes were hurting - I didn't quite understand why until the following day when I couldn't open them for the blinding pain - my first migraine!) so I left before the chocolate fondue. Anyway, a couple of pictures:

Fabien's chocolate collection - his excuse? He's Swiss.

Christelle in the kitchen.

And IT SNOWED AGAIN! But not at all exciting this time, because a) it only snowed a tad, and b) it snowed during the night... Most of it had melted by mid afternoon again. At least now the eerie mist has lifted again.

I'm home in 25 days!

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